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1. The equipment cannot be turned on.

A. Check whether the battery is installed correctly and the back cover of the battery is completely covered;

B. Please check if the battery has electricity;

C. If the battery has power and the battery is installed correctly, please do a cooling operation (FN key + reset key);

D. Please charge the battery for 10 minutes and then try it again.

2. During the scanning process, the scanning head is out of light but cannot recognize the bar code, and the system is very hard when scanning.

A. Recalibrate the scanning head, operation method: double-click "Scanner" on the desktop, open the scan head, reset the scan head, and the reset is successful;

B. please confirm whether the scanned barcode is intact or not;

C. If the scan head is recalibrated and the bar code is not damaged, the device can be restarted.

3. What about the failure of the radio frequency card reading card?

A. Whether the rf card is placed in the credit card area;

B. The card distance is best within 5cm, and the reading card can not be read too fast (because the radio and read process of radio frequency card requires stable field power supply, or it can fail easily);

C. Whether there are two or more rf CARDS in the vicinity of the card area;

4. What about the failure of IC card credit card?

A. Is the contact surface correct (chip facing up)

B. Whether the card is in place (the card is not in place to trigger the event)

C. whether the card has significant wear or tear or breakage

D. restart equipment

5. What about the failure of uhf card reading card?

A. the uhf card is placed in the credit card area;

B. The card distance is best within the effective range, and the reading card can not be read too fast (since the radio and read process of radio frequency card requires stable field power supply, or it can fail easily);

C. Whether there are two or more rf CARDS in the vicinity of the card area;

6. What about printer anomalies?

A. print blank: check whether the roll paper is installed correctly;

B. No paper: whether the paper cang/roller is correct, whether the paper is the specified roll paper

C. Print fuzzy: whether the printer heating head is sticky or not

D. unable to print: check the program or system issues and restart the device

7. Camera problems

A. no indication: please check whether the camera lens is covered with foreign objects; Rebooting equipment or swiping machine to troubleshoot problems caused by software;

B. Blur: check whether the lens is dirty, clean the lens and whether to close the focus function properly, properly adjust the distance and Angle of the photo

1. The equipment cannot be turned on.A. Check whether the battery is installed correctly and the back cover of the battery is completely covered;B. Please check if the battery has electricity;C. If the battery has power and the battery is installed correctly, please do a cooling operation (FN key + reset key);D. Please charge the battery for 10 minutes and then try it again.2. During the scanning process, the scanning head is out of light but cannot recognize the bar code, and the system is very hard when scanning.A. Recalibrate the scanning head, operation method: double-click "Scanner&q...
发布时间: 2018 - 12 - 12
Q: Open the software display volume module failed to runA: Check if the volume camera is powered normally, and the volume camera cable is plugged and unplugged. Q: Pure black package over-the-counter software shows volume anomaly.A: Make sure the black wrap white side is facing up, and the color of the belt is close, poor contrast. Q: All package volume is abnormal.A: Make sure there is no sunlight, open remote software to take photos, maintain group contact with manufacturer. Q: The abnormal frequency of the bag is more than 10% higher.A: Open remote camera, maintain group cont...
发布时间: 2018 - 12 - 12
1、支持服务网络支持 登录公司网站,查看更加详细的产品规格、选购配备与相关信息,并可以方便下载产品驱动或升级信息。客服支持 如果您对本手册有问题或者网站内容无法解答您的疑问,您可与本公司客服人员联络。如果您的设备需要维修,请在送出前与本公司联络以取得服务信息、运送提示及保修外维修费用。其他服务 如果您的设备需要诊断服务或其它服务信息,请联络本公司客服人员。请勿在联络本公司前将您的设备寄出。如果您的设备在保修期符合保修条件,请准备好您的购买日期凭证。在您联络本公司之前,请您务必:1、阅读本使用手册2、准备您设备的˙型号˙序号˙购买日期凭证3、准备您的设备,客服人员可能会请您操作设备。4、列出您要解决的问题,详细的问题叙述可以协助客服人员迅速解决问题。2、保修期限重要信息:本段文字为硬件产品保修声明,请仔细阅读。 * 设备硬件保修一年 *自设备购买时收款凭证上的购买日期一年内,在材料与制造上无缺陷保证。如果我公司收到保修期间上述定义缺陷通知,我公司可自行决定是否要修复或是更换该经证明有缺陷产品。3、保修范围上述保修不应包括肇因于以下因素的缺陷:误用、未经授权之修改、打开该硬件、操作或储存该产品于超出环境规格、运送途中损坏、不当的维修、或是肇因于使用非我公司软件、零件、媒体、用品、消耗品、或是使用了非设计用于本产品之项目。我公司对本产品之保修声明仅此一份,并无其它书面或是口头保...
发布时间: 2014 - 11 - 15
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